The WINDEX Range Of Products

The WINDEX Wind Direction Indicator is an indispensible tool for sailors of all levels. It is highly beneficial for beginners as it allows even a novice to determine the optimal course in on the wind sailing. It is equally indispensible for the professional racing yacht captain who may have an array of advanced electronic equipment at his disposal.

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Main Benefits

1. Instant and accurate wind direction information helps you at all points of sailing.

2. On-the-wind – Achieving the best on-the-wind performance is crucial in racing and makes everyday sailing more fun. By glancing at the WINDEX Wind Direction Indicator even a beginner can understand the mechanics of sailing. On the other hand, experienced sailors will immediately find changes in wind direction apparent, even as small as one degree. The ingenious system behind the WINDEX design makes it possible to see these small changes at a glance, and when the vane and tabs are aligned you know that you are sailing the optimal course.

3. Strong and light weight anodized aluminum tab holders and plastic tabs.

4. Running – Here the WINDEX Wind Direction Indicator will help in racing conditions by helping in the decision to jibe or not to jibe and the optimal point to do so. It’s often the first yacht to notice a wind shift for jibing that gains the advantage and may win a close race due to this decision alone.

Technical Features

  • Famous sapphire suspension system allowing free movement in 0.2 meters per second
  • Sturdy one-piece injection molded plastic construction vane made out of UV-resistant material.
  • Strong and light weight anodized aluminum tab holders and tabs.
  • Vane and tabs with high reflection surfaces allowing easy night time view.
  • Multi language instructions make light work of assembly and mounting.
  • Mast fitting allowing easy removal and re-fit in proper position, i.e. during winter storage.
  • Optional WINDEX Light for fixed illumination of reflective surfaces.
  • Wind tunnel tested to 80 m/sec